The Federation of Polish Arborists invites you to the training entitled: "Innovations for trees", which will be held as part of the "Green Days" fair in Nadarzyn at the Ptak Warsaw Expo hall, on March 17 this year.
We kindly ask those interested in participating to register at:
Tematy poszczególnych szkoleń:
- Lecture No. 1 – “Legal protection of trees – norms selected not included in the act on nature protection”.
Lecturer and author of the lecture preparation and content: Jarema Andrzej Rabiński - Lecture No. 2 – .“Lightning Protection of Trees”.
Lecturer and author of the lecture preparation and content: Polska Akademia Nauk - Lecture No. 3 – “Trees and wind – selected and innovative aspects of shaping trees related to the quality of the climate of cities and villages”.
Lecturer and author of the lecture preparation and content: dr hab. inż. Edyta Rosłon-Szeryńska - Lecture No. 4 – “Shadow as one of the conditions for the growth of trees in urban space”.
Lecturer and author of the lecture preparation and content: dr inż. Marcin Kolasiński - Lecture No. 5 – “Innovations in specialized arborist anti-compression systems to protect tree roots in anthropogenic areas.”
Lecturer: mgr inż. arch. kraj. Aleksander Lech
Authors of the lecture preparation and content:
dr hab. inż. Przemysław Bąbelewski prof. U.P. w Wr.
dr inż. Marcin Kolasiński
Jarema Andrzej Rabiński
dr hab. inż. Edyta Rosłon-Szeryńska
dr inż. Marta Weber-Siwirska - Lecture No. 6 – “Protection of tree crowns revolution – evolution – innovation”.
Lecturer and author of the lecture preparation and content: Rafal Cegielski – Przedstawiciel firmy GEFA Produkte Fabritz GmbH z Krefeld, Niemcy